A New Normal #17 – Prayer

A New Normal #17 – Prayer May 7, 2020 The National Day of Prayer: after many years of gathering at the gazebo behind City Hall, sometimes with 60 people, sometimes as few as 6, or 8… After many years we find that CoVid-19 has impeded our freedom to do so this year....

A New Normal #16 – Testing

A New Normal #16 – Testing May 5, 2020 It is clear that the last few weeks, the future weeks, and months will be times of testing. International agencies will be tested for their efficiency and accuracy. Governments will be tested financially and otherwise. Businesses...

A New Normal #15 – Keep Your Eye on the Ball

A New Normal #15 – Keep Your Eye on the Ball The end of this week will mark the fourth week of our shelter-in-place. I must say that I am very impressed with the resolve of most of the people to whom I speak. People are forging ahead, they are intentional about...

Pastor’s Update April 10, 2020

Pastor’s Update  April 10, 2020 Hello Bishop Creek Community Church, Well, today marks the end of week three of our shelter in place. I do know it has been easier for some than others. I hope you are well, and that God continues to sustain you during this...

A New Normal #14 – Normalcy

A New Normal #14 – Normalcy April 9, 2020 There is certainly something in the heart of man that seeks and craves “normalcy.” Even if it is “leaks and onions” back in the land of slavery, we are comfortable with normal, even if it reaches the extent of routines. I like...