Liar Liar

Many of us are familiar with some form of the child-hood rhyme: “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!” The complete version I learned was, “Liar, Liar, pants on fire, nose as long as a telephone wire!” Though there are several iterations, and there are multiple “explanations”...

Fissures of Men

Scripture is particularly clear of the value which the Lord places on unity in the Body of God’s people. Psalm 133:1 gives us just a taste: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!” John 17 is the Great Apologetic speaking to...

Love Gives

I know we’ve all heard people profess to really love pizza. Perhaps someone else absolutely loves to watch football. And then there are always those who really, absolutely love to eat pizza while watching football. Others love to read or do quilting or go fishing. But...

White as Snow

Love it or hate it we have had quite a bit of it the past couple of weeks. After an almost six year drought our state has had its fair share of precipitation with more on the horizon. As I look out my window at Tom, Basin, and Wheeler Ridge blanketed in white I’m...

True Church

I am sure we would be surprised to find out exactly why people actually attend church, or a particular church. Among the multitude of reasons that would be cited would be a nice building, a good youth program, an avid sports ministry, the use of visuals during the...

What’s the Expiration Date?

It’s already January 7 and for some, the excitement of Christmas with all of its busyness is a thing of the past. For many the thrill of the season hit the floor along with the wrapping paper and unless food found its way to the freezer, leftovers have since dried up...