Notes in the Margins

Several years ago I met a woman blessed to have three daughters. Each of her adult girls admired their mom and her walk with the Lord. Each had one request of her. Although she was nowhere near the end of her life, they all wanted her Bible when she died. They knew...

The Backside

Unless you’re talking about the Sierras, being on the backside of something is usually not a good place to be. It typically means you’re in the middle of nowhere—remote, isolated, and cut-off from the rest of the world. That’s how some of us like it in the Owens...

Power Poured Out

Once a month, a little green package arrives in the mailbox for my daughter full of crafts teaching around a science theme. July’s theme was hydropower and she constructed her own miniature water wheel. As she poured a small amount of water over the wheel, it spun and...

It’s Our Choice

When I was a child my family found a kitten. It was hungry and looking for food and finally allowed us to bring it into the house. We made every effort to provide a safe, loving home for the stray, but as hard as we tried, it just didn’t work. Part of the time we had...

One God and Father

One hallmark of the millennial generation is that many were raised in homes without fathers. Whether that means the fathers were absent physically or emotionally, my generation has largely been at a loss for godly and strong male leadership in the family. There are...