Love Gives

I know we’ve all heard people profess to really love pizza. Perhaps someone else absolutely loves to watch football. And then there are always those who really, absolutely love to eat pizza while watching football. Others love to read or do quilting or go fishing. But...

White as Snow

Love it or hate it we have had quite a bit of it the past couple of weeks. After an almost six year drought our state has had its fair share of precipitation with more on the horizon. As I look out my window at Tom, Basin, and Wheeler Ridge blanketed in white I’m...

What’s the Expiration Date?

It’s already January 7 and for some, the excitement of Christmas with all of its busyness is a thing of the past. For many the thrill of the season hit the floor along with the wrapping paper and unless food found its way to the freezer, leftovers have since dried up...

The Law of Diminishing Returns

It happens every year. The kids surround the tree, engulfed by a pile of presents. Their excitement peaks by the first several gifts and quickly wanes as they work through the mass. By the end of the morning they have more things than they know what to do with and...

The Little Innkeeper

The following is not original with me and I don’t even know if it is a true story. But whether you’ve heard it before or not, I’m hoping it will make you smile. More than that, though, I’m praying that it will help you think about your relationship with God this...