The Human Condition

In Genesis 1, God creates the perfect living situation, and He created Man in His image. The garden was designed for Man to dwell forever, have dominion over every living thing, plenty of food, perfect climate, no death, and Man “walked” with God. In Genesis 2 God...

A Call to Discipleship

What is a Christian? Is it someone who believes in God? Is it a person who goes to church and reads the bible? Maybe it’s a person who tries to live a moral life and love their fellow man. Or perhaps it just means a person who lives in America. Whatever a...

Taste and See!

Question: How is Preparing a meal for a large group of people like preparing a sermon? Few people prepare a meal for 80+ people on a regular basis, unless they happen to be cooks or own a restaurant. Equally, few people prepare a sermon on a regular basis, unless they...

Quality or Quantity?

Something that I had believed for a very long time turned out to be wrong.  Whether it was taught to me directly, or was something I just picked up along the way, I don’t know.  But I believed it – and it was wrong.  I used to believe that to have “eternal life” meant...

Believing and Knowing

“Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”  This little rhyme not only affirms the simple and personal truth of God’s pure love – but it also grounds our knowledge of God’s love in the Bible.  It’s one thing to believe that God loves me, but it is...