Truth in Advertising

Cherries for sale, two miles ahead! Fresh-picked cherries for sale, one mile ahead! Plump cherries for sale, ½ mile ahead! Sweet cherries for sale, ¼ mile ahead! Juicy cherries for sale, next exit! My husband and I were en route from Southern California to my son’s...

“Those” Christians

Through the years, I’ve been involved with many different ministries, met many different Christians in many different kinds of churches. It’s a blessing to see the body of Christ expressed with such diversity, yet united in the essentials, under one Lord. There is,...

Deliverance Through Death

Recently a young Man named Kyle died suddenly and tragically in a accident while exploring Pine Creek Canyon. Upon hearing the news of this, and after the first thought of shock. My heart went out to the family and friends who were closest to him. When this part of...

Following Jesus

For two thousand years the path to being Jesus’ disciple has remained pretty much the same. He says, “Follow me,” and we respond by following Him. A simple formula, yet one that carries with it some serious considerations. For instance, Jesus thinks that...

A View From the Pew

My interest was piqued recently by an article that appeared in The Inyo Register.  I found it on the Religion page under the by-line of “By The Creek”.  The author was Collin Boyle. The title was, “Taste and See” It gave a word picture of the preparation of food – not...