Contrary Oppositional Disorder

When my son, Beau was a toddler, he would ride in the front seat of the car with his Grandpa Popo. After a while, Beau would be overcome by boredom and temptation would beset him and he would begin pushing and pulling any and all of the buttons on the dashboard that...

What’s So Great About Halloween?

Many years ago I was introduced to Halloween by my Primary teacher.  She made it such a fun day.  We learned a fun song and made a mask with a brown paper bag.  A sheet completed my  “costume,” I could hardly wait to get it home and perform for my family (which were...

Students of The Bible

To be a disciple of Jesus, it is non-negotiable that a person be a student of the Bible. Few things strike me as odd as when I encounter someone who professes love and devotion to God and yet has little interest in serious study of the Bible. How can a person be that...

Using Youth For God

If you are a young person who is searching for life direction, keep reading! If you’re a teenager just wanting to have fun, you’d better flip to the comics. But before you begin turning those pages, consider this -dedicate your youth to serving God! The overriding...

Cross, or Abundant Life?

The question is, “How does one carry his cross and yet experience the abundant life?” Okay, so which is it? I guess here would be a good place for definitions in Christianity. What does it mean to carry a cross? In the days of the first century, to carry a...