Whatever It Takes

From 1971 to 2000 I lived in northern Arizona at the end of a very long dirt road which was labeled “unimproved” on most maps. My ministry was to Navajo people and one of the activities that I most enjoyed was working with Native children and their families. Included...

The Right Connection

I’ll be the first to admit that I know nothing about computers. There are buttons on my pc that I have never pushed because I’m afraid of what I might set in motion and of not being able to undo whatever it is that may happen as a result. Does that Esc key really mean...

First Impressions

Last summer a new family moved into my neighborhood—a pair of Cooper’s Hawks. Our introduction was when the female swooped down and landed on my balcony railing. We had a tense eye-to-eye stand-off as she dared me to take the meal she clutched in her talons and then...

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

“Hey beautiful!” Oh, yah? Says who? Every girl wants to be beautiful. The fact of the matter is that you are beautiful just the way you are!  God created you exactly as He wants you to be. Have you ever thought, “I’m ugly?” Many young ladies believe this lie.  Our...

The Many Moods of Clay

I jumped into a ceramics class this Fall with all the vim and vigor of someone who had no idea what they were getting into, mostly due to a common misconception. I sincerely believed, with everything in me, that clay was just adult play dough minus the groovy colors,...