The Gift of Friendship

I’m almost afraid to open emails I’ve been getting lately from my Navajo friends. Each seems to be news of someone who has passed away. I guess that’s to be expected because many of the people I lived with and grew close to are in their late 80s by now. It still...

The Order of Things

When I retired and returned to California I was surprised to hear people using the term Fish and Game Department. Arizona must have more game than fish because it’s Game and Fish over there. That has an awkward ring to it, doesn’t it? This started me thinking about...

True Confessions

I have a confession to make. I’m a tweeker, and have been most of my life. If you’re smiling, you don’t know what a tweeker is. If you do, please don’t call the police. Before retiring, I visited churches that partnered with me when I was a missionary. As I shared...

Resolution #2 for 2011

I’ve heard that January has the greatest enrollment for weight loss programs. Visions of dancing sugar plums may have filled the heads of the children the night before Christmas, but for most of us, those pesky little plums danced their way right onto our hips and...

What Would You Do?

There is a television show called “Primetime: What Would You Do?” that airs on Friday nights. The hour-long program is a loose blend of reality show and investigative reporting as various actors play out scenes in front of unsuspecting bystanders to get their...