Broken in Love

While living on the Navajo reservation it wasn’t unusual to see young children or grandparents taking care of sheep. From a distance the scene was quite idyllic, but downwind and up close it was another story. I had always heard that sheep were not the brightest, but...

Winning Prize

It’s always fun during the fair to walk through the various buildings and check out things that people have entered—lots of categories, lots of competition and lots of excitement—and everyone is eager to win that blue ribbon! In Bishop it’s even more exciting to see...

Absolute Truth

This is the month we celebrate our Country’s Independence so what better time to revisit the famous midnight ride. Remember the hullaballoo back in May? Here’s my take on it: Didn’t that ride involve a signal for the colonists: The British are coming! One if by land,...

Rule of Faith

I love working with wood… I remember working on a project with a friend. We were designing a very special piece made from very expensive clear, solid oak. Before I knew it he had glued a few of the pieces together and had them clamped up to dry. Come to find out he...

Say What?

I sometimes walk to the post office, but as they say, timing is everything. One day I waited too late and found myself swimming upstream against a sea of high school students heading to lunch. As I dodged oncoming foot traffic, I was surprised to be greeted by “Hi,...