User Friendly or Grumpy Pants?

My cousin’s granddaughter has a new pet and he’s either called Pickles or Grumpy Pants depending on his reaction to what’s going on around him. And his reaction affects others—he’s a hedgehog. He can keep his quills safely down where they won’t harm anyone or he can...

Not When. Not Where. But Why?

As we prepare our celebration of Christmas with family and friends, and rush around shopping for gifts, much of what Christmas is all about is set aside or forgotten.  We know traditionally Christmas is when the birth of Jesus is celebrated, but is it recognized for...

Hold Your Plans Lightly

Some people like to make plans and others more or less take things as they happen. Those who plan may not necessarily want to be in charge, they just don’t like being left in the dark and surprised by what happens. For the others, “whatever” seems to be their life...

Sweating the Details

I enjoy watching sports on television, especially football, basketball and baseball. Let me qualify that, however, by saying I’m really only interested in Bowl games, the NBA finals and the World Series. I’m just not that excited about sweating the details of...