Spring Forward This Sunday

Spring Forward This Sunday

REMEMBER TO “SPRING FORWARD” THIS SUNDAY!  Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday March 10, 2013 so don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. How Daylight Saving Time Works: During late Winter we move our clocks one...

The Need to Get Reprogrammed

One thing about an extended stay away from home is the need to reprogram your brain. Nothing comes naturally and as much as you may enjoy the new environment and the people living there, adjusting doesn’t always come easy. The first six weeks of 2013 I lived with my...

“Can You Believe This?”

Huell Howser died last month. If the name sounds familiar, but you can’t figure out why, think KCET public television. Huell, with his folksy Tennessee drawl, contagious smile and ever-present sun glasses, was the host of the program “California’s Gold”. He is...