Apples and Oranges

Have you ever heard an argument that was so persuasive that you began to believe what was said without taking time to research the facts? It’s easy to do. What is being argued, either by others or in your own mind, seems so logical it leaves absolutely no room for...


“He’s an EGR.” What? Not to be confused with a medical term, it is an acronym Christians use to describe other Christians. It stands for “extra grace required.” It insinuates that another person is so difficult to be around that they require an extra measure of grace....

Whose List is it?

Lists are important. So important that I’m not sure we could function without them. I know I couldn’t. Lists help us stay organized by keeping a record of what has happened in the past and to make sure that what we need to do in the future gets done. Our to-do-lists...

Christian Cover Up

I am not writing to all people today, but perhaps a select few. I am not writing to strictly the legalist — you who do not seek grace because you think yourself righteous; nor am I strictly writing to the one that holds to cheap grace — you who never realized or have...

The Fred Harper’s

Hardly a week goes by without someone in our house making the comment “whatever did we do without the Fred Harper’s?” Before moving in to live with my sister, I know what I did because they were mine. Now that she’s been using them, she can’t imagine what she did...