But Wait, There’s More!

Anyone with access to cable television has probably seen at least one. If not, you’ve certainly heard the jokes surrounding them. I’m talking about the ever-present infomercial. The items being sold are seriously reduced in price and, of course, here’s the clincher:...

A Privacy Issue

Several years ago a friend of mine volunteered with the local AWANA program. His job was to listen as various students recited Bible verses they had memorized the previous week. He made sure the memorization was correct, but always went a step further. By asking each...

The Apathy Club

Senior year of high school I was sent on the lovely task to interview the new Apathy Club. I think my advisor was laughing on the inside when she sent me on this wild goose chase. Pen and paper in hand, I walked across campus to investigate the kids who had banded...

What a Love Story!

Deep in the mountains of Northern Mexico a small group of carpenters have their own savings plan. These Native men decided to create a greater return for their small earnings by each contributing a certain amount to the “joint” account. Each month one of the coworkers...

Do You Know Who I Am?

According to my query through Google, “Twenty Questions” is the most straightforward guessing game that can be played, and you can have hours of fun at home or on the road. Yeah, right. Last summer I participated in my own version of Twenty Questions quite by...