The Big Words Are Important

I’ve mentioned in previous articles my tendency to rely quite heavily on “spell check” when using my computer. Earlier in the summer I watched the 2014 National Spelling Bee. I was totally in awe of these kids and utterly amazed at what they could do. “Could I have a...

Freed For Devotion

July 4th, 1776 Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence which made claim that the Colonies were to be “absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown,” on the basis of the king’s “injuries and usurpations.” They were able to do this on the...


I’m not a horsey person, but it seems to me that it’s about time for our equine friends to put on their summer eye wear, those fashionable masks that protect them against flies and gnats. Warmer weather brings out bugs, and horses need help to make it through the...

Dear Mom

Every year as a child I would write you a message in your Mother’s Day card something to the effect of, “Thanks for all you do!” Back then, I did not fully understand the scope of “all you do.” It was not until that first day when I brought our daughter home from the...

The Best Building Plans

Lately I watched as doves wandered around the grass in our yard. One in particular was doing more than just meandering—she was definitely on a mission and her actions spoke volumes. Picking up small twigs and sticks, she seemed to weigh them in her beak and then,...