Out of Control

My unlimited ride wristband was on and it was time to tackle fair rides. As I stepped onto the Fireball, my nerves were shot. The duct taped restraints didn’t inspire confidence either. The loop-the-loop spun my friend and me through a range of sensations with varying...

Duct Tape

Our vintage yard barrel came apart. With so many cracks and splits it finally just fell over. It was something we wanted to keep so out came the duct tape. We used strip after strip and finally had our barrel back—taped but still broken. I’ve noticed pieces of the...

Imago Dei

Today I sat down with my four year old daughter and we began a new book – “First Big Book of Why?” The first section deals with our bodies and the first lesson was that we – you – are special and unique. Nobody else on earth today, yesterday, or tomorrow will have...

What Was Your Name?

I have a problem with names. The kids at church know my short-coming and I’m not sure what brought it up, but I heard someone recently say, “That’s okay. She can’t remember names.” I smiled and tried to explain it away by saying I was just getting old. One young girl...

Harmful Patterns

Before I had knee surgery I had a plan. I would walk for a period of time, then stand to give my knee a rest and finally, the discomfort would require that I sit for awhile. And it usually worked. After a break, I would repeat the cycle—walk, stand, sit. As long as it...