Desert Experiences

With the Sierras to the west and the White Mountain range on our east, Bishop is enveloped in beauty, grandeur, and a rain shadow. Our mountain ranges block the passage of many weather systems which have the potential of rain, leaving Bishop in the dust of a high...

Under the Big Top

When I stepped under the flaps of the Big Top for the first time I was totally mesmerized. The circus had come to town and my uncle took my cousins and me to see The Greatest Show on Earth. Okay, it wasn’t Ringling Brothers so it wasn’t the “greatest”, but I was still...

No Need of Anything

My day began with a lukewarm cup of coffee. Mind you, it was hot at some point this morning. Yet in the midst of frying up eggs and hash browns, sitting down to eat, getting back up to get a drink for my daughter, then sitting back down to eat, it cooled off. It...

A Cow Conundrum

I don’t know if they are amazingly intelligent or easily deceived. I’m talking about cows, and I know that whatever I say I’m bound to irritate cattlemen and cow lovers alike. On the one hand they know the danger of trying to cross bars placed at gates or on roads to...


“The crucible is for silver, and the furnace for gold, and the Lord tests hearts. “ Proverbs 17:3 The California Gold Rush. With it brought some quarter of a million 49ers that arrived with an expectancy to strike it rich. They first exhausted their resources in the...