Our Leadership

Glad you found Bishop Creek Community Church! Scroll down so you can get acquainted with the leadership. We hope you join us this Sunday to worship our glorious God!


Kelly & Suzanne Larson 2022

Kelly Larson 
We are thankful here at Bishop Creek Community Church to have Kelly Larson serving as our Pastor. We met him for the first time in January of 2008, and voted him in as our pastor in February.  He and his wife, Suzanne, moved to Bishop from Fullerton, California on July 1, 2008. Pastor Kelly is dedicated to the teaching and preaching of God’s Word.

“We hope you choose to worship at Bishop Creek Community Church. We enjoy worshiping God in song, and through the teaching of His Word among God’s family. Our prayer is that you are able to grow closer to His Son Jesus Christ, and that you would feel His grace and presence at Bishop Creek Community Church.”
~ Pastor Kelly

Kelly and Suzanne, know that God called them here to Bishop, and they love ministering to the church and the community together! They have been married since 1999. Kelly enjoys reading, golf, and ukuleles… as well as chocolate chip cookies (no nuts) and pineapples!

Pastor Kelly is an ordained minister. He completed his PhD in Systematic Theology at South African Theological Seminary in 2015. He graduated from Biola University with a master’s degree in Christian Apologetics in May of 2008, and received his BA in Marketing from California State University Fullerton in 1981.

Phil Graham, Kelly Larson, Jeremy Plum, Kyle Bradfield


The Plum Family 2022

Jeremy Plum
Jeremy Plum, an elder at BCCC, grew up in Southern California and came to the Eastern Sierra in 1989. He is the husband of Chris and the father of two daughters, Meade and Genevieve.
Since Jeremy’s adoption into the sonship of God in 1994 he has been active in serving the Lord both personally and through various ministries within the churches he has attended. Jeremy has a deep desire for the body of Christ to whole-heartedly submit to the lordship of Jesus and serve Him for the glory of the gospel. Jeremy knows that God’s plans for each of His children are great and through total submission to Him we are transformed and renewed daily for His purposes.
In addition to building eternal things for the Kingdom of God, Jeremy builds temporal things here on earth as a general contractor. If not fellowshipping with heirs of the Kingdom, or at work, Jeremy can be found going up and down on dirt, rock and snow while adventuring awestruck in God’s glorious creation. Glad you found Bishop Creek Community Church, are getting acquainted with the leadership and hope you join us this Sunday to worship our glorious God.

Phil & Lorri Graham

Phil Graham
Phil Graham, an elder at BCCC, moved to Bishop in 1974, graduating from Bishop High in 1978. He met his wife Lorri in 1981 and they married in 1986 while attending college in Chico. After gathering their degrees in 1987, they moved to Sacramento, where daughters Michelle and Lisa were born. In 1993 they decided to return to Bishop to raise their girls and enjoy small town life. Lorri home schooled their daughters through high school.

Both Phil and Lorri accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in 1997. Phil and Lorri started attending Bishop Creek Community Church in the summer of 2014, attracted by a sermon series on the Holy Spirit. They stayed because of the solid preaching of the whole Bible and the sincerity of worship and fellowship. They enjoy the many opportunities throughout the week to apply what has been learned and to encourage and exhort one another as well as serving the body of Christ.



The Durans, Plums, Larsons, and Grahams

Previous Elders:

Ed Nancy Duran

Ed Duran
Ed Duran was the oldest of seven children. At the age of 19, he was drafted and became a Field Medic in the Army serving in Vietnam. Ed and Nancy were high school sweethearts, and married in 1970. Ed graduated from CSULB with a degree in Industrial Technology. They moved to Bishop in 1975, both coming to faith in Jesus Christ in 1976. Ed and Nancy have owned two businesses and raised two children, Joel and Sarah. Ed has served in a variety of Church positions and has taught adult classes most of his Christian life. Early into his Christian walk Ed had a desire for searching the scriptures for answers. That passion has continued in his entire walk with the Lord. The study of End Times has always been his favorite personal area of study.

Craig & Robin Barrett

Craig Barrett

Worship Leader:

Kyle & Sarah Bradfield

Kyle Bradfield
Kyle Bradfield grew up in Bakersfield where he accepted Christ at age 5. He attended Riverlakes Community Church in Bakersfield for 20 years and was involved in playing drums for the worship team and occasionally leading worship for the junior high youth group and Bakersfield Rescue Mission. Kyle and his wife Sarah moved to Bishop in 2011, and shortly after Kyle started leading worship at Bishop Creek. He works from home programming database systems for oil companies and also enjoys fly fishing, hiking, and tinkering with computers. Sarah is currently homeschooling their three children.


Kelly & Suzanne Larson 2024

Suzanne Larson is our Women’s Ministry Director and Admin/Communication Director.
Suzanne Larson is the wife of Pastor Kelly. Suzanne grew up in Glendora, California. Her first memory is praying with her mom to receive Jesus. She attended Azusa Pacific University, where she received her B.A. in Communication and a minor in Bible in 1988. She went back to APU to get her teaching credential from APU in 1991, and received a master’s degree in Education: Curriculum and Instruction from APU in 1998. She is licensed by the Board of Ministerial Standing of the Evangelical Free Church of America. She taught elementary school in public and private schools for 18 years (7 of those teaching Computers) in the LA/Orange County area before they moved to Bishop in 2008. Suzanne loves ministry, loves people, and really enjoys animals and computers. She loves ministering to the people of Bishop with her husband.

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