Love the Word of God?
Want to know it better?
Join us!  We start reading January 1, 2021.
We will meet once a week to discuss what we’ve read.
We will be reading chronologically through the Bible in 6 months.

We will meet on Wednesdays at 11:00am starting January 6, 2021.
We will meet at Sunni’s House or via ZOOM
(If you are sick, have someone at home who’s sick, have been exposed to someone who’s sick, or are recovering from being sick… please stay home and Zoom rather than coming in person.  We want to keep each other healthy!)

Here is the Reading God’s Story in 6 months Schedule

Please get this Reader’s Guide.
New from  or  from Amazon or  Used from Thrift Books
We will be reading 2 days of reading each day (and 2 weeks of reading each week…).

YouVersion has this Reading Plan available on their App.  You can read or listen or read AND listen!  We will be reading 2 days of reading each day (and 2 weeks of reading each week…).  This will allow you to mark of your daily readings as you go and keep track of where you are!

Interested in Joining Us?  Questions?

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