Hi!  Hope you had a wonderful CHRISTmas!!!  

We are looking forward to worshipping with you tomorrow (December 30) at 11am at Bishop’s Community Worship Service at CALVARY BAPTIST (on West Line Street across from the DMV).  Pastor Kelly will be preaching.  

We will be starting out 2019 with Shema Sunday… on January 6.  Hope to see you there!!  And, our first Second Sunday Supper POTLUCK of 2019 will be on Sunday, January 13.  

Don’t forget that there will be no Men’s Breakfast Bible Study or Women’s Bible Study on Tuesday, January 1.  They will both start up again on January 8.  There WILL be “Woven In” Home group at the Plum’s home on January 2.  If you don’t come to any of these regularly, we’d like to invite you to start in 2019!! 😃

Praising the LORD for all HE has done in and through us in 2018… and looking forward to all that HE will do in and through us in 2019!!!  (HIS strength, healing, direction, transforming and conforming us to HIS image, helping us dig into HIS Word, drawing us closer to HIM,…)
