WOW! I thought I would get a good overview of the Bible, but didn’t expect more. I was wrong! Each day the Lord revealed things I’d never noticed (or at least never understood) previously! Reading the Bible this way showed me context like I never imagined. This has been such a powerful experience for me! It has deepened my relationship with God! I am so thrilled that I made this commitment and that the Lord gave me the grace to see it through! I would HIGHLY recommend this to anyone (and I do!).  Kelly supported me in this daily. I really enjoyed discussing things that caught my attention with him. I think it has deepened our communication.  We did this as our church’s women’s summer study in 2010… and doing it with these women has been wonderful! Being able to discuss things we didn’t understand or things that were significant to us was great! Doing it as a group also helped encourage us and helped us have the stamina to make it through.
Suzanne L

This was an unexpected blessing! Thank you Lord! I was just planning to do this 90 day Bible reading with the ladies of our church and God just drew me and created a hunger to read His Word and share time with Him! I was compelled to stay in the Word and in so doing gained a much better vision of our great God and His awesome plan to redeem His creation. Thank you Lord!
Sherrin P

I had read the Bible through a few times before but on the “through the Bible in 1 year schedule”  I really enjoyed reading the Bible through in 90 days.  At first it was hard to find a time (45 min-1hr) a day to do it but once I found a time that would work for me I stuck with it and made it a priority every day. It was part of my day and the couple of times that I didn’t read my day felt incomplete.  The hardest parts for me to read were Leviticus-Deut. and then the books in the Old Testament that  were prophecy-it was hard to keep straight if what the going to happen was  in the near future or far future!  I enjoyed Genesis, Esther, Ruth and Hebrews the best.  Reading the Bible in 90 days helped me to tie the stories, events and people together-to see the whole picture.
Robyn W

I am DONE ! ! Happy to have done it – kinda sad, also, because I want to read more.  Hard to believe I did this in 90 days! Thank you for the opportunity!  More later…..
How could anyone read God’s word for 90 days straight, complete the entire bible and not be changed? This has been a great experience and soooo worthwhile. I really connected the Old Testament to the New Testament in a whole new way-Putting the events and people in a whole new understanding.
I feel energized to seek God’s wisdom and look at my life and the world through the words of the bible.
After all, James 4:6 told me “Draw near to God and God will draw near to you.”
Reading the bible in 90 days has given me a new and improved joy in God and the hope that he promises. Thank you Jesus.  Do it! You will be blessed!
Mary B

I am so thankful that I followed through with the nudge to read the Bible in 90 days. I didn’t think I could do it but God is so faithful in helping. If you think God could not love you for the person you think you are and for the things you have done, reading threw the bible 90 days has helped me see even more how loving and merciful He is and it’s still beyond my human understanding and I am so thankful to Him for that. God is good!
Gracine S

I finished my reading yesterday morning – I got it done in 90 days!!! I’ve already started back in Genesis 1:1 again. I intend on going back through again at 6 pages a day and finishing in 6 months. Now that the discipline has been developed I know I can do it and am so encouraged! Thanks so much, Suzanne. I’ tried many times before and never managed to stick with it. I’ve been a committed Christian for over 20 years and always felt guilty that I could never get the entire Bible read. This has been a major encouragement and hurdle for my spiritual life and walk with the Lord.
Mary S