Calvary Baptist has invited Bishop Creek Community Church to join them on their Women’s Retreat in September… it will be up in Mammoth.
The date is September 28-30, 2012 at the Shilo Inn in Mammoth Lakes.
The theme is “Surprised By Joy” and the speaker is Gaylyn Williams (see website below).
Space is limited, so check your calendars and sign up now!  (If there is still space available mid-July, then registration will open up to other churches… for now it’s just Calvary Baptist and Bishop Creek.)
Suzanne Larson has the flyers and the registration forms.
Registration begins June 3, so if you’re interested, get your $50 deposit in ASAP!
 (Deposit is non-refundable, but is transferable.)
If you register by Wednesday, June 6, will receive Gaylyn Williams’ newest book before the retreat (all others will get it at the retreat).

Here’s a copy of what Calvary Baptist has on their website…CBC Ladies Retreat 2012 = “Surprised By Joy”, will take place September 28-30, at the Shilo Inn in Mammoth Lakes, CA.  The speaker Gaylyn Williams, director of Relationship Resources, Inc., is an international speaker, seminar trainer and author from Colorado. ( or

Registration begins June 3rd, with a non-refundable but transferable deposit of $50.00.

Want more information?
When?   Retreat begins Friday, September 28 at 7:00pm and concludes at noon on Sunday, September 30
Cost Double Occupancy $210 per person
Triple Occupancy $165 per person
Quad Occupancy $145 per person
(Rooms have 2 queen beds)
Can’t spend the night?  Daytime only registration is $60 and includes everything except the lodging.
Includes ~ 2 nights lodging, Friday night Dessert/Beverage Reception, Saturday Lunch,
2 Continental Breakfasts & “Treats”
Friday & Saturday Night ~ DINNER IS ON YOUR OWN!!
Mothers and their nursing babies 6 months and under are welcome.  Ladies post-high school age and above are welcome to register.

Shilo Inn Suites - Mammoth Lakes