Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and for most it’s a day of joyful celebration with cards, gifts and even a cake or two. For others, the day passes without much notice, and for some, it’s a day tinged with a bit of sadness, as a mother no longer living is quietly remembered. It can also be a day of incredible anticipation for the happy mothers-to-be.

The Bible speaks of various women and their roles as mothers—and I’m speaking of more than the example set forth in the book of Proverbs. She always seemed to me like a very difficult act to follow. So what about some flesh and blood mothers like Hannah, Jochebed and Eunice? Not familiar with these women? How about their children: Samuel, Moses and Timothy?

We find Hannah’s story in the first of the books named for her son. First Samuel 1 gives us the background and chapter 2 records the beautiful prayer offered in response to God’s provision of a son. Hannah desperately wanted to be a mother and met with God to plead her case. At the annual pilgrimage to the temple of the Lord, Hannah was “greatly distressed, prayed to the Lord and wept bitterly.” She even made a vow—if you give me a son, I will give him back to you, to serve you all the days of his life. God heard and answered her cry. She named her son Samuel and dedicated him to the Lord. After praying earnestly for a child, Hannah willingly gave him for service at the temple at a young age and Samuel later became a great prophet in Israel’s history.

Jochebed, on the other hand, had a son and did everything possible to keep him. When Pharaoh ordered all male babies killed, she risked her own life and hid her sweet baby boy. When he became too old to hide, she put him in a small wicker basket and set it among the reeds of the Nile. In a twist of Divine Providence, the Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses and paid his mother to raise him until he was 2 or 3 years of age. Moses later was the one who lead God’s people out of Egypt and it was said at his death that “no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.” (Deuteronomy 34:10)

Fast forward to a man of “sincere faith” named Timothy who was taught as a child by his mother Eunice. The Apostle Paul put it this way: “from childhood you have known the sacred writings…that lead to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:15) Eunice taught her son well and Timothy became a pastor to the early churches of Asia Minor. Paul’s letters to him are key books in the New Testament.

What is so important about these mothers? They were committed to a relationship with God and they shared the importance of that relationship with their children. These mothers took advantage of what time they had to teach their sons what would later become foundational in their lives. The legacy that was passed down was life-changing not only for their child, but for countless others who were influenced by these godly men.

Do you have such a legacy from your mom? If so, thank her. Are you providing godly teaching to your own children? If not, ask God to help you be the mom you need to be. And if you aren’t a mother, find a child to invest your life in. Happy Mother’s Day!