Enter all information that is applicable. If you do want to be in the church directory but do not wish particular information to be published in the directory, click “no” next to “Include in directory?” for that information. If you have any additional comments you would like to make about your contact details, you can do so in the “Additional information” field at the bottom of the page.
When you have finished, click the “Send” button at the bottom of the page. The information will then be sent to us via email.

Please include me/us in the Church Directory?

Include your mobile in the directory?

Include your email in the directory?

Include your home phone in the directory?

Include your birthday in the directory?

Include your address in the directory?

Is your mailing address the same as your street address?

Include your mailing address in the directory?

Are there more people in your family you'd like to register?

Who would you like to register?

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