Pastor’s Update  April 10, 2020

Hello Bishop Creek Community Church,

Well, today marks the end of week three of our shelter in place. I do know it has been easier for some than others. I hope you are well, and that God continues to sustain you during this sequestering.

As with other churches we are still trying to dial in DigiChurch, as to how we can best use the present technology for the glory of God.  We are doing Sundays Facebook Live and have tried to do a couple of Wednesday nights through Zoom. We may elect to use that, or we may give Google Hangouts a shot. I am sorry that this week’s Wednesday night ended abruptly. We will try to do better.

In two days time we will have our fourth Facebook Live service, where we are trying to do the best that we can to foster worship using technology. It is not the ideal, but it is certainly appreciated. This Sunday we ask that you come with hearts prepared to worship, listen, and engage in Communion. We have prepackaged elements we have purchased if you would like them. Please contact Suzanne if you would like some of the factory sealed elements. …. You make also choose to set aside some juice and bread from your own resources Sunday morning in order to be ready, as we join together.

As we continue to move through this time, which I feel is going to be extended, please remember that God is still at work. He is working on things we can’t see or even imagine. He is still calling people to Himself.

It is a good time for us to use this time wisely for His glory:

Prayer, reading, calling people in the church, and calling those in your family far away. Now is the time.

If you have any needs, or know of needs in the community which we may be able to service, please let us know.

Please remember as well, that as we go through these times we still have obligations and expenses. Giving may be through our online sources, through EFCA National office (make sure to designate Bishop Creek Community Church), or by sending a check to the PO Box 1763, Bishop, CA 93515.

Pastor Kelly   /.\