We will not be meeting until it is healthy for us to do so.  Please keep in the WORD and encouraging each other!  🥰

We hope you can join us for our Women’s Bible Study
on Tuesdays at 11:00am at 700 Hobson St. (Hobson & Keough).  

We love the Lord and His Word and we want to pass that love on to others!  We want to be transformed by Christ Jesus, and for the world around us (family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances,…) to see that change as well!  Join us as we walk this journey together!

Click here for information on our current study. 

We are looking forward to digging into God’s Word with you as we work out how we can be transformed by Christ in our everyday lives!

*Amazon supports our church when you choose us as the organization you’d like to donate to when you shop using the  AmazonSmile website.  Click here for a link to more information on AmazonSmile.