There’s an exciting event coming up! I would love for all the women of Bishop to know about it! If we can get 50 people to commit to going, we can get reserved seating (otherwise we can still go, but we won’t be able to sit together). So, check this out and let me know if you’re interested… and spread the news!

We will want to move quickly before it sells out, so pray about it and check your calendar!

Living Proof Live 2012

October 12-13, 2012 (Friday – Saturday)
Long Beach, CA: Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center
Beth Moore (Speaker) , Travis Cottrell (Worship Leader)

Registration for individuals is $65.00 per person. Registration for groups of 50+ attendees, purchased all at the same time is $60.00 per person. Groups of 50+ attendees, registered all at the same time will also receive reserved seating in the venue. There is no cancellation or transfer for group pricing. REGISTER EARLY! Limited reserved seating available.


Beth Moore’s life-transforming Bible Study challenges and inspires women of every age, everywhere. Joining Beth at this weekend event is acclaimed worship leader Travis Cottrell and the Praise Team. Beth’s focus will be on the Scripture that God lays on her heart for each individual Living Proof Live event – no two messages are the same. As she explores the Bible and how it applies to real life, you’ll be amazed by her own experiences as a believer. You’ll also be inspired to magnify and strengthen your own relationship with God.

Bring your friends and we’ll see you at Living Proof Live – a fun-filled Bible study, teaching, and worship experience to enrich your mind, soul, and spirit!


6:00 p.m. Doors Open to Attendees
7:00 p.m. Event Begins
9:30 p.m. Dismiss

7:30 a.m. Doors Open
8:30 a.m. Event Begins
10:00 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m. Event Resumes
12:00 p.m. Event Concludes

We would obviously need to coordinate housing and carpool. Each group could do that on their own, or we could work together. But if we work together as a community to get 50 seats (or more!), then we each get a $5 break… and more importantly, we all get to sit together. (Otherwise there is no reserved seating.)

I would love to get this booked in the next week or two. If I could get a $30 deposit from each person, we could go ahead and book the tickets (if you could pay all $60, that would be better, but there will probably be some that need time to save that up). If you’d like to donate toward scholarships for this, let me know.

Let’s pray this up and see who wants to be involved!

Looking forward to hearing from you!