If you are a young person who is searching for life direction, keep reading! If you’re a teenager just wanting to have fun, you’d better flip to the comics. But before you begin turning those pages, consider this -dedicate your youth to serving God!

The overriding media message of our pop culture today encourages teens to just “have fun” before they are tied down with adult responsibilities. Culture seems to say, “Check out the new computer games, hang out with your friends, text your day away, go on dates, and by all means spend lots of time ‘discovering yourself.’”  There is another message for youth. In fact, it’s a better message!  You can find it in the Bible.

The Bible has much to say about young people and provides stories about their lives. For example, the apostle Paul told his young friend Timothy, “Let no man despise thy youth, but be an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12. Paul was encouraging Timothy to build these character qualities into his life, so that he could better serve God, and the church he was ministering to.

Another remarkable person was David, who went from being a lowly shepherd to being Israel’s greatest king, because he was a man after God’s own heart. David was about 15 years old when he fought and defeated the giant Goliath. David did not let his youth stop him from proclaiming God’s glory. You can read more about David in your Bible, starting at I Samuel 16.

Also consider the incredible story of Joseph. He chose to do what was right in God’s eyes on several occasions when it would have been easier and more fun to do what was wrong. Because Joseph made wise choices in his youth, God honored him greatly. You can find this amazing story, in your Bible, starting at Genesis 37.

The Bible is full of such examples of people who used their youth wisely.  But, mind you, there are also many stories of people who did not use their youth wisely, and the consequences they suffered because of their poor decisions.

Yet, with all these great Bible stories, where does that leave us 21st century skateboarders? How can we use our youth to glorify God?  You can start by memorizing Bible passages, praying, and talking to your pastor, parents, or other Christian mentor.  Ask the Lord to use you for His glory.

We have huge opportunities before us. For example, you may consider teaching (or helping to teach) Sunday school or visit church shut-ins. You may help with community outreaches, volunteer at nursing homes, help single moms or elderly neighbors with yard work or house work. It may be that He leads you to postpone dating and focus on His work. These are just a few ideas. There is a whole world of opportunities just waiting to be uncovered, and the adventure begins here and now.

Don’t be intimidated by His call, or think that it won’t be “fun.”  By establishing godly disciplines now, you will be far more prepared for adult responsibilities, and you will be blessed. Use your youth to serve God and grow closer to Him! You won’t regret it.