The question is, “How does one carry his cross and yet experience the abundant life?”
Okay, so which is it? I guess here would be a good place for definitions in Christianity. What does it mean to carry a cross? In the days of the first century, to carry a cross meant you were going to die a horrible, shameful, longsuffering death. I think that would be a burden!
Jesus said to His followers that they must also carry their crosses to follow him, (Matthew 16:24). So I am guessing that we also, as Jesus followers, must carry a burden to a death of sorts. That death will probably be horrible, shameful and longsuffering also. The Bible also says that after His death Jesus was seated in victory at the right hand of God. So we, after carrying and putting to death our sinful selves are seated with Christ in Heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6).  Longsuffering, horrible and painful as it is, I long for it.
I want to put that stuff behind me. It is difficult, to say the least, when I have had to apologize for my actions or words. It is also painful to forgive others for abuses that have been done to me. Sometimes suffering can be caused by too many years going by when you are separated from a loved one because of what you have done or by what they have done to you. You may be suffering because of a permanent disability or chronic pain.  Maybe your longsuffering is like mine, dealing with garbage that I have let become attached to me. Hopefully you get the idea here.
So what is the abundant life? How do I get it? Can it start now? What is it going to cost? Oh, and duh! Is there any $$$$ involved?
Wow! The abundant life is so cool and getting better all the time. Have my problems gone away? Nope, but the presence of God brings peace to otherwise stressful situations. I can describe it this way. Because of the victory on the cross by Jesus, I am seated with Him. I keep in contact with Him through His word (reading the Bible), listening when He speaks to me, and through prayer. This created a new heart in me. Then, as I made a conscious decision that I wanted all that God has to offer. It started! The cost I paid was to give my life to Jesus, who is the author and finisher of my faith (Hebrews 12:2).
I have found that now, not only am I able to carry my cross, but I get to help others with theirs. That is a privilege, because Jesus wants me to be His hands and feet here on earth. Remember? “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done!” There’s so much joy in this. But wait, there’s more. What about moving the hands of the Creator of everything by your prayers, healing, and speaking life into those around you?
Oh yeah, the $$$$. God has never failed on His promise to take care of me. I gave Him my failed broken life, bills and all! He has given me more blessings, sometimes $$$$, sometimes not. But, by making Him my God, meant that $$$$ is not my god. This is a much better arrangement: it has changed my spending habits for the better.
Is there abundant life while still carrying your cross?  Yes! Through the grace of God I can carry my cross. Jesus has given me abundance, and I want more still. I know there is more to come. Thank you Jesus!